20+ Years Experience

Specialist Leased Line Providers

Leased Line in North Hykeham

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We are specialist Leased Line Providers who have assisted thousands of people throughout the UK.

With experts based throughout the UK we can offer competitive prices and in July 2024 are able to get costs to you very quickly.

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UK leased line providers are incredibly important for businesses, offering reliable dedicated leased lines for businesses to use as high-speed connections and communication networks. However, getting hold of a good leased line can be tough, especially if you have multiple offices to connect at once.

If you represent a company or small business that is looking into UK leased line providers, then we can offer you a solution in July 2024. We have worked with countless clients over the years, offering them leased line setup and support while also tailoring each line to their specific needs and requirements.

Before you jump straight into setting up a leased line, you will want to know more about the costs, technical specifications and options involved. Here are some things to consider before you decide on a specific leased line option for your business.


We offer a number of great Leased Line services and are more than happy in assisting you on anything you need more information on.

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Table of Contents

Why are leased lines important?

Business leased lines offer an easy way to connect two offices, creating a high-speed connection between the static IP address or network of two offices.

As a business tool, they are a cost-effective way of expanding your core network to cover two offices, allowing for easy collaboration between both.

For example, if your business has two different offices, you can use leased lines to make sure that cloud-based applications work perfectly between both.

The symmetrical speeds also mean that upload and download speeds are matched, something that most broadband products do not to.

Leased lines are ideal for creating a high-speed and reliable link between two or more physical networks.

They are also far cheaper than extending physical networks between nearby offices and work very well for two offices that are far away from one another.


The ability to connect offices together allows for easy transferring of data, as well as making it far simpler to run a company across the whole country. The more connected you are, the easier the business becomes to manage.

Data Safety

A leased line allows data to be sent directly from one office to another without you needing to upload anything to less secure online servers or clouds. This will usually help you avoid data leaks and other security issues but still allows for easy data transfer.


Leased lines can rely on telephone masts (or mobile phone masts) and other underground lines, meaning that you get more reliability than using sites to send and receive data from a central hub.

This increased stability works well for any UK company or even the UK arm of a larger international company that has more than one office space within the UK itself.

UK Coverage

We can cover the entire UK, ensuring that UK companies always have a way to keep offices connected and in touch with one another. You can keep every UK office interconnected without needing expensive, awkward online systems to keep files accessible.

Why you should use leased lines

While it may not sound like something that every office needs, a dedicated bandwidth option between two independent offices can be incredibly important. It can even allow you to link cities together if you have offices in each of them.

Core benefits include:

Clear Connections

A leased line is entirely private, only able to be used by the businesses that bought it. This means that you can use the line without having to worry about outside traffic, making it a much safer option for sending key data or keeping a stable network running.

Symmetrical Speeds

The speeds of these leased lines are symmetrical, meaning that they upload and download at the same rate. This allows the near-instant transfer of data and files from one office to another, with minimal delays or other issues.

Reduced Issues

A good leased line provider (like us) should be able to avoid common network issues. This means that you will not run into reduced internet speeds if one employee needs to download documents from another and the network will not get clogged during peak working hours.

This also means a reduction in downtime or other core network issues, something that normal UK cable franchises can struggle with.


Many providers struggle to keep consistent connections running between businesses. Our leased line offerings are meant to be far more consistent, allowing for great connectivity between different offices as well as excellent support if something does go wrong.


Both small and large organisations can benefit from a strong connection, especially if that connectivity can stay up consistently. We aim to stay up as long, if not longer, than other operators that offer leased lines – and have repair services to fix unexpected downtime quickly.

Bandwidth Limits

A network that can support good bandwidth limits is important for any business. Poor bandwidth options result in reduced speeds, which can mean that business account managers or finance employees will struggle to download information in bulk. Slower speeds mean slower workflows.

As professional UK leased line providers, we aim to keep our internet connections and business connections stable, ensuring that your employees always have stable internet access. We also aim to provide bandwidth at a stable level that matches your business’ needs.

Why we are the right choice

With so many UK leased line providers to choose from, why would you choose us?

We have a lot of different specific options that companies can choose from, letting us sell leased lines that are perfect for your needs. If your business is looking for the best provider you can afford, then our good pricing should make a leased line completely feasible, no matter your requirements.

Bespoke Solutions

We aim to give each client exactly what they need, offering competitive pricing and a huge range of options.

Through this, you can create the perfect leased line system for your business and get more control over your leased line costs.

If you need a specific service or solution to a problem that your offices are having, contact us and let us know what you are looking for.


We can offer excellent support, including a dedicated account manager, to ensure that your leased line keeps running smoothly. Our support services are included in our leased line pricing, so your network can benefit from it almost immediately.

For more information about a specific support service we have, get in touch with our expert staff to learn more.


We aim for a great service level and minimal downtime, using dedicated circuits that should prevent speed issues or unexpected connection problems. We also try to get good, reliable fix times on any issues that arise with our networks.

If you are currently with a network that has terrible uptime, contact us, and we can provide a better option.

Best Price Options

As UK leased line providers, we try to keep our leased line pricing competitive. All of our services are tailored to each client, with the leased line costs scaling depending on the features and services you need. Through this, we can keep each of our leased lines affordable for the clients that need them.

Our prices are highly variable, so get in touch if you want to figure out which specific option would work best for your offices.

Great Speeds

Our leased line speeds are better than many other UK leased line providers, and our fix times are equally quick. We provide companies with networks that can hit reliable speeds consistently, allowing them to share data between offices without any delay.


All of the benefits that our leased lines offer are meant to be consistent. When we offer high speeds, a great service level, consistent service uptime and other assorted benefits, we make sure that they are a permanent inclusion. Unlike many providers, we do not gradually lower speeds over time.

Impartial Advice

As professional UK leased line providers, we work on giving client companies whatever they need with the speeds and services that they require most.

Our goal is to provide our clients with what they need, rather than pressuring them to buy leased lines with services and features that they do not want.


Each of our leased lines is built for a specific client or customer, and we keep our dedicated circuits specific to their requirements.

Unlike other leased line providers, we do our best to avoid stacking on unnecessary services or options that you will not ever need.

At Leased Line Providers, we can assist you on the best options available. Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Leased Line Providers.

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Leased Line Costs

A leased line costs between £150 to £1000+ per month. Determining exactly how much a leased line will cost you will depend on a variety of factors. These include the location of your business, the level of network access, the speeds required, and the type of technology implemented to install and connect your leased line.

Our prices are meant to be fair and consistent, operating at similar individual or wholesale prices to any other provider. We try to keep everything affordable, working with our clients to make sure that they are not paying more than they can afford for their networks.

We can adjust our costs to suit each project: talk with our experts if you need help.

What makes us different from the other UK leased line providers?

With so many “best” leased line providers on the market, it can be hard to find UK leased line providers that live up to their own marketing.

We try to be the best leased line providers we can be, making sure that we give clients exactly what they want without any miscommunication or stress on either side.

Companies like BT Openreach, Southern Energy, Virgin Mobile and Neos Networks have all handled their own leased line systems in the past, and there are a lot of provider choices on the market.

We aim to offer the best service we can, along with numerous unique benefits or options for new customers.

But why are some UK leased line providers unreliable, and how do we try to fix those leased line provider issues with our own services?


We try to make sure that everything, from installation times to long-term support service, is convenient for your business. Every service we offer is supposed to be convenient for the client, giving them what they need to run their offices reliably.

One of the core benefits of a leased line is the connectivity, so we offer quality-of-life services like linking lines from different carriers.

If you need Central Birmingham to London telecommunications services, then we can provide a service that fills that niche at a low cost.


Our leased lines are made out of the best available option: often the same product choices as fibre Ethernet services. This means that you get the same benefits as reliable, near-instant Ethernet over a much wider area.

The number of benefits that our services can offer UK customers is much higher than you might expect, and we do our best to constantly improve the quality of our leased lines.

Specialised Solutions

Providers like Virgin Media, Scottish and Southern Energy or BT Wholesale have a lot of products to offer, but they are variations on the same product.

Buying something from BT Retail might be the same as buying from Virgin Media or Talktalk Business, and your provider will not tailor the service to you.

We make sure that we give each client exactly what they need. We want to be the best leased line provider possible for our customers, and that means giving your business a leased line option that perfectly fits your business needs.

Far Reach

We can offer a leased line service that benefits businesses all across the UK, even if you have one office near Scotland and another in Britain’s financial district hubs in London. No matter where your offices are located, we as a provider will aim to connect them as cleanly as possible.

Our service can work almost anywhere in the UK on a bespoke level, so contact us if you need a service that covers specific offices in remote parts of the country.

Contract Length

Contract lengths can be a major concern with leased lines. Some providers only offer lines on a set contract, such as BT Openreach or BT Wholesale, which can make keeping your system hard in the long term.

We have very flexible contracts and try to give every client a service that they can rely on, as well as a cost that is fair to them. Unlike a lot of providers, we can work with you to come up with a contract that you think fits best you.

Leased line comparison

For small businesses TalkTalk is the best leased line provider, while Colt boasts the faster connection speeds, and BT offers unparalleled reliability. We would also recommend looking into Virgin Media, Neos Networks and Vodafone. The best leased line provider for one business may not be right for another, so it’s always worth comparing all the options.


What are upload and download speeds?

The biggest difference between download speeds and upload speeds can be simply explained in the following way, your download speed refers to the rate that digital data is transferred from the Internet to your computer, while upload speed is the rate that online data is transferred from your computer to the internet.

What is a VAT number?

A VAT number is a unique identification number that’s assigned to every business registered for VAT.

What is a Fibre Network?

Fibre broadband is a type of high speed broadband. It uses fibre optic cables, which are a lot better at transferring data than standard copper cables. The data we are talking about here is online gaming and streaming movies and music, pretty much you have the ability to do all the things you love on the internet faster.

What do Zen internet do?

Zen use the Openreach FTTP network, but they are also rolling out full fibre services in conjunction with CityFibre. The first two locations able to access Zen Internet through the CityFibre network are Worthing and Newcastle.

What is Symmetrical Download?

Symmetrical connections are exactly what they sound like, a connection with equal download and upload speeds. For example, with a 500/500 mbps fibre internet connection you get 500 Mbps of download and 500 Mbps of upload speeds. An asymmetrical connection, however, does not have equal download/upload speeds.

What is private line service?

In telecommunication, a private line is typically a telephone company service that uses a dedicated, usually unswitched point-to-point circuit, but it may involve private switching arrangements, or predefined transmission physical or virtual paths.

What are service level agreements?

Service-level agreements (SLA) sets the expectations between the service provider and the customer and describes the products or services to be delivered, the single point of contact for end-user problems, and the metrics by which the effectiveness of the process is monitored and approved.

Types of service level agreement?

There are three basic types of service level agreement, customer, internal and multilevel service level agreements. A customer service level agreement is between a service provider and its external customers.

What is Dark Fibre?

A dark fibre or unlit fibre is an unused optical fibre, available for use in fibre-optic communication. Dark fibre may be leased from a network service provider. Dark fibre originally referred to the potential network capacity of telecommunication infrastructure.

What is a broadband leased line?

An internet leased line is a dedicated internet connection that can provide direct connectivity on a network between multiple endpoints. Unlike broadband, it is not shared by multiple third-party users in a locality, and this offers high connectivity and a fixed bandwidth at all times.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great leased line services in East Midlands.

Here are some towns we cover near North Hykeham.

Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Barking
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What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Leased Line Providers to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

David Cox

We have used Leased Line Providers for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

Thomas Jones

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